Second pont car il ne se substituera pas à l’actuel pont
suspendu, le pont Ambassadeur qui relie les villes de Détroit dans le Michigan
(États-Unis) et Windsor dans l'Ontario (Canada).
Notons également que ces deux villes sont également reliées
par le tunnel de Detroit-Windsor.
Il s’agit donc d’une troisième voie ouverte afin d’alléger
le trafic enregistré sur le pont ambassadeur.
C’est un lieu d’échanges stratégique car le plus emprunté en Amérique du Nord en termes de volume d'échange : plus de 25 % du commerce entre les États-Unis et le Canada soit plus de 10 000 véhicules par jour.
C’est un lieu d’échanges stratégique car le plus emprunté en Amérique du Nord en termes de volume d'échange : plus de 25 % du commerce entre les États-Unis et le Canada soit plus de 10 000 véhicules par jour.
En période d'alerte de sécurité, l’engorgement du trafic,
malgré les 4 voies peut souvent atteindre 13 kilomètres.
En raison du trafic extrêmement élevé, les gouvernements
américain et canadien ont, donc, conjointement décidé la construction d'un
deuxième pont pour franchir la rivière, au sud de l'Ambassadeur.
Ce sera le pont Windsor dont le coût s’élève à 2,1 milliards
de dollars.
Les autorités espèrent bien éliminer un goulot
d'étranglement massif dans la circulation des marchandises entre les deux pays
et gagner des gains de productivité en maitrisant mieux le coût logistique.
Eric Pianin ( - March
3, 2015
the gloom over the partisan deadlock in Washington over an infrastructure
program and the Keystone XL pipeline, the U.S. and Canadian governments have
quietly cut a deal on a new $2.1 billion bridge linking Detroit and Ontario
designed to eliminate a massive bottleneck in the flow of goods between the two
more than $650 billion in goods exchanged each year between Canada and the
United States, Canada represents this country’s largest trading partner,
overshadowing China, Mexico and Japan. Nearly half of all goods that are
transported between the two countries by truck each year – or roughly $131
billion worth – currently pass over the Ambassador Bridge or through an
adjacent tunnel.
85-year-old Ambassador Bridge is swamped by over 8,000 trucks daily. A
combination of heightened border security and persistent traffic jams is
creating a drag on potential growth in U.S. exports and imports along the
Detroit-Windsor border. Some experts say construction of a new bridge would
pave the way for a significant increase in trade in coming years.
all the border crossings between Canada and the United States, Detroit is
really the most emblematic of the infrastructure problems that need to be
addressed,” Joseph Kane, a senior policy specialist on U.S. metropolitan areas,
said in an interview on Monday. “There’s a huge scale of value really going
across the border, and it’s not just a local issue where it’s just benefiting
local workers and business establishments in Michigan itself.”
U.S. State Department approved the bridge in 2013, but the project has been
dogged for years by financial and legal problems and challenges from community
new bridge is to be constructed about two miles south of the Ambassador Bridge, a privately owned
suspension bridge that currently is the busiest international border crossing
in North America in terms of trade volume. The project also will include
construction of new highway interchanges in downtown Detroit and Windsor to
handle more easily the crush of traffic. Officials have said they hope to open
the bridge in 2020, although construction hasn’t started yet.
deal was finally sealed after the Canadian government agreed recently to pick
up the $250 million to $300 million cost of a customs plaza for the New
International Trade Crossing on the U.S. side. The Department of Homeland
Security says that a “public-private partnership” will use tolls to reimburse
Canada for the plaza’s construction. In return, the U.S. will pay for the workers,
operations and maintenance of the plaza in Detroit – with a first year cost of
about $100 million.
of the $131 billion worth of cargo transported by truck between Detroit and
Windsor annually is high-value transportation and electronic equipment that is
destined for regions well beyond Detroit and Ontario. By comparison, the next highest volume border
crossing, in Buffalo, N.Y., handles about $151 billion of truck traffic a year,
or one third of what is trucked across the Ambassador Bridge, according to data
prepared by Brookings.
Brookings analysis of EDR data.
have dogged the new bridge project for years. Detroit-area billionaire Manuel
“Matty” Moroun, the owner of the Ambassador Bridge, mounted a vigorous legal
and political campaign to try to block the project. He and the other owners
complained that they stood to lose as much as two-thirds of their business.
residents from nearby Southwest Detroit communities challenged the project in
court, saying that it would destroy their neighborhoods and spoil the
environment. The residents’ challenges came to the end last week when the U.S.
Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal.
U.S.-Canadian agreement to move ahead with the new bridge was hailed by federal
officials and Michigan lawmakers as a major breakthrough and boon to Michigan’s
struggling economy.
announcement of the final deal also came at a time when the Obama
administration and congressional Republican leaders are at loggerheads over
ways to fund a new highway and mass transit program before temporary spending
runs out this spring, and whether to move ahead with the Keystone pipeline
between Canada and the U.S. Gulf Coast.
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