vendredi 22 avril 2016

Le marché immobilier de luxe réinvestit Detroit et lance un signe fort quant au renouveau de la ville

Detroit continue de muer. La ville possède un patrimoine architectural considérable, hérité de son passé prospère, qui ne pouvait que servir de base à des projets ambitieux et luxueux. La renaissance de Detroit s'accompagne donc de la rénovation d'anciens immeubles résidentiels pour développer un marché immobilier de luxe et répondre à une demande grandissante. 
Pour illustrer ce mouvement, nous vous présentons un article du Detroit Free Press qui décrit un des nombreux projet de rénovation haut de gamme. Le projet prévoit de rénover 200 appartements de standing dans un secteur appelé à se développer fortement.

Un marché immobilier haut de gamme à Detroit
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A developer is aiming to restore Detroit's vacant (…) high-rise into 200 luxury apartments in a part of the city that hasn't seen such investment in decades.
Craig Sasser, 63, announced his plans Thursday morning for a $34-million renovation to the once-elegant 17-story tower. It opened in 1927 as a luxury residential hotel at (...) and closed in the 1990s as low-income senior housing. It is on the National Register of Historic Places.
The former Art Deco masterpiece has been trashed and gutted by scrappers and is missing its windows. The property is fenced in, and the ground-floor entrances and giant windows are barricaded with concrete.

Sasser, who grew up in Detroit and recently moved back from Los Angeles, told reporters during a breakfast event at a nearby union hall that he is close to purchasing (…) and two adjoining lots for $258,000 from the Detroit Housing Commission.
He said he plans to finalize the sale in December and start cleaning out the building in January. Work would follow on the 200 units, all market-rate apartments.
“The building will be up and available to rent in the fall of 2017," Sasser told reporters.
(…) sits about a mile west of New Center and the Motown Museum, far outside the boundaries of the city's Midtown and downtown areas where most of the new high-end apartment projects in Detroit are located. The building towers above nearby Northwestern High School.
Kelley Lyons, the commission's executive director, later confirmed the potential sale deal and the likely December closing.

"We are excited by Craig’s plans for the building, as well as his commitment to neighborhood involvement in the process," Lyons said in an e-mail.
She added that the commission has received sporadic interest in the property through the years, "however, Craig is the first to demonstrate the ability and commitment to close the transaction with the understanding that he must comply with the historic requirements to maintain the historic integrity(…)"
Sasser said he has financial commitments from "a large energy investor," which he did not identify, but described as "one investor — not a person — an institution."
This investor has pledged up to $200 million to do the L. P. and several nearby new construction projects, including single-family houses, apartment buildings, low-income housing and some commercial properties, Sasser said.
The investor is looking to make L. P. a demonstration project for a large residential building that generates as much of its own energy from renewable sources like solar panels as it uses, he said.

Sasser said location shouldn't be an obstacle to L. P. attracting luxury-seeking tenants, noting how demand for new market-rate apartments in Detroit exceeds supply and that the new owner of the nearby Fisher Building is looking to add upscale housing.
"We have three major employers right there, which of course are Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit Medical Center and Wayne State University, and they have said that they want to see more upscale housing in the area for their employees," he said.

Initial plans call for $1.75-per-square-foot rents (…), which Sasser said could rise to $2 per square foot.

Extrait d’un article publié sur Detroit Free Press le 19.11.2015
Journaliste : JC Reindl

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