vendredi 16 décembre 2016

De l'arrivée du nouveau tramway QLine à sa mise en service attendue

Le tramway Qline est arrivé fin septembre et a été testé en décembre pour vérifier la conformité des rames avec le véhicule au design épuré et futuriste. La mise en service définitive est attendue pour avril 2017.
Nous vous proposons trois vidéos ainsi qu’un article reprenant ces différentes étapes dont l’épilogue est donc attendue au premier semestre 2017

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A new event in Detroit


The streetcar system along Woodward Avenue is expected to be operational sometime in the spring

A QLINE streetcar rode down Woodward Avenue on Tuesday in its maiden test run as passersbys around Campus Martius Park in downtown Detroit pulled out smartphones to snap pictures and paused to chat about its official launch next year.

Plans called for the 66-foot-long streetcar to be towed along the entire route for its first test run, but  it became detached from the tow truck near the southern end of the tracks and was allowed to circle around Campus Maritus on its own battery power.  The streetcar was reattached to the tow truck shortly after, Dan Lijana, a spokesman for M-1 Rail, said.
Its debut on Woodward Avenue is a part of a series of tests M-1 Rail is conducting ahead of the QLINE’s anticipated launch this spring.

After exiting its storage location at the Penske Tech Center in Detroit's North End, the railed streetcar traveled south along its 3.3-mile route without passengers to downtown before heading back, flagged by safety vehicles and walking safety personnel. The round-trip took about three hours to complete, Lijana said.

“It was great to see — despite how cold it was — all the enthusiasm that it drew,” Lijana said. “After the large amount of snowfall we received Sunday night, we had to very quickly determine how we’d work with the city to remove the snow from the tracks. Everything went fairly smoothly in terms of the testing, and that’s a good sign.”
Tuesday’s trial run is expected to be the first of a week’s worth of testing on Woodward, according a previous Free Press report, now that road reconstruction has been completed. Tuesday’s trial run allowed M-1 Rail workers to test multiple factors of the streetcar, such as its compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The streetcar should be out again for testing Thursday, Lijana said, and testing hours will be prioritized outside rush hour traffic, as they were on Tuesday.

There are more than 1,000 tests planned that are related to the street car launch, Lijana said, though not all tests will require the streetcar to travel its Woodward Avenue route.
Lijana added that M-1 Rail CEO Matt Cullen plans to work with Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan’s office and Detroit City Council to introduce ordinances this spring related to pedestrian and vehicle safety.

Matt McSweeney, 44, of Belleville caught a glimpse of the gleaming, red-and-white QLINE streetcar while walking near Campus Martius downtown.

He said he anticipates the streetcar will cut down on some of the denser foot traffic and parking problems in the area, and that he will absolutely make use of the $142-million streetcar project, once it's up and running.

“I can’t wait for spring,” McSweeney said. “It’d be great if it were open by Opening Day.”


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